The influence of the shaft deflection on the bearing load distribution and the elasticity of the rolling contacts are comprehensively considered. Optionally, the influence of the elastic environment can also be modeled using influence factors.
The bearing data can be transferred directly from an integrated database into the calculation model so that the stored profile data is also included in the calculation. Input assistants for the operating clearance enable the input of temperatures, tolerances and roughness of the rings and bearing seats. Furthermore, an additional calculation of the stiffness at the operating point can be carried out.
Bearinx-VIP offers the possibility of carrying out calculations on both decoupled and coupled transmissions.
Bearinx-VIP determines the modified reference rating life in accordance with ISO/TS 16281 (DIN 26281) from the internal load distribution in the bearing. Numerous other variables such as operating clearance, frictional torque, frictional power and rigidity at the operating point can also be analyzed.
For shafts, in addition to bending lines, internal forces and the equivalent stress, the shaft safety according to DIN 743 can also be determined for shafts, taking notches into account. Gears can be easily modeled, allowing the bearing load to be represented. In addition, the effects of the bearing clearance on the load distribution and the contact pattern in the tooth contact can be analyzed in detail.
The OptiKit parameter analysis is available for easy and convenient analysis of influencing variables.